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Acid Mothers Temple at Bethnal Green Working Mens Club 26th Jun 2019

The legendary “Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O” is a Japanese psychedelic rock band which formed in 1995.  The original members are 河端 Kawabata Makoto and 東洋之 Higashi Hiroshi – the other band members have changed so many times over the years. In 2014, their new drummer, 砂十島 Satoshima Nani joined along with bassist Wolf, in 2016 – and the newest member from 2018 is esoteric ジョンソン  Jyonson Tsu (vocals, guitar). They call themselves “a freak-out group for the 21st century led by Kawabata Makoto” and lead a free, artistic lifestyle, of commune-like beatniks.

The band has released numerous albums, with many international record labels, as well as the Acid Mothers Temple record label. Inspired by progressive rock, the band originally formed to create “extreme trip music”. They host a yearly festival in Japan and tour the US and Canada.  In recent years Acid Mothers Temple have thankfully started showing up in Europe.

What a treat, prior to their Glastonbury performance, they are having a gig at London’s Bethnal Green Working Mens Club. We arrive at a packed venue to see a fantastic opening act a band, called Mirna Ray.

When it’s the Acid Mother’s turn, Kawabata Makoto walks on stage and starts setting up, followed by Wolf.  All the other members join in and immediately rip the room with psychedelic progressive rock.  We notice that Taigen Kawabe from Bo Ningen is also in the audience.

This is our first Acid Mothers Temple live experience and I am glad to say they nailed it.

One song after another the experience is a real trip and a great journey. They perform “Dark Star Blues”, “Flying Teapot”, “Disco Pink Lady Lemonade”, “Black summer’. “Pink Lady Lemonade Coda” to “Cometary Orbital Drive”. Pulsating, vibrating, trance-like rock with Higashi Hiroshi’s synthesiser keyboard, the drummer, Satoshima Nani is on fire.  Kawabata Makoto projects his vision of the cosmos through well rehearsed guitar solos.

Jyonson Tsu and Wolf perform in perfect harmony and transport us to a different dimension.

The entire audience is grooving.  We are in the presence of true masters and cosmic wizards.

Such a highly recommended live act – we’re going to see them again at the 100 Club on the 6th October. If you like prog-rock – don’t miss it!

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